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Mobile Sinfonia is an indeterminate musical composition scored for mobile phones. It is propagated through the free distribution of specially composed ringtones.

Each Mobile Sinfonia ringtone is a ‘voice’ in the composition. Together they make a global orchestra of electronic instruments. The piece emerges through the occurrences and coincidental interactions of these sounds. The more people join in, the richer and more wide-spread the composition becomes.

Mobile Sinfonia was conceived and composed by artist Jem Finer.


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4'33" 8-bit algorithmic animal arhythmic astronomical atmospheric atonal B3 B4 ball bell bell like bicycle bird bleep blown bounce breath bubbles C C Major C major 7 C2 C3 C4 C5 Cage chord clock clockwork crescendo D1 D5 D6 dawn dawn chorus delay digital silence E1 E4 electromagnetic electronic ethereal fade in fade out Farplayer Feldman field recording flame food forest frog G G0 G3 G4 game garden guitar harmonic harp hello insect instrument inversion kitchen low machinery mechanical melodic metallic metronome monophonic morse nautical night noise note percussion percussive piano pitched prepared piano pulse radio rain rain forest rattle repeating rhythmic sci fi sea Signal silence singing bowl snooker space squeaky String struck strummed sustained tennis theramin thunder thunk time tuned percussion tuning fork typewriter unpitched vinyl VLF water wave weather wheel whistle white noise wildlife wind wooden